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Akbar in Wonderland


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It's 1991 and life's going well for Akbar Hussain. He's back in Karachi working as a journalist, he's just been appointed editor for the newsmagazine being launched by his paper, the military dictator General Ghazis gone, an elected, civilian government is in place, and his glamorous colleague Natasha is finally, responding to his advances.

But then, Akbar gets caught up with events beyond his control - and beyond his understanding. His magazine's cover story, on corruption by the party in power, helps to topple the civilian government and discredit the PM but when he and his colleague Zaheer Khan, aka Zed, begin to investigate the provenance and media coverage of this corruption story, things start to become complicated

Has Akbar been used? Was he a mere pawn in an establishment plan to remove the civilian PM? And when Zed goes missing, Akbar realises he must act quickly and fight to make the real story known. But does he understand quite what a high stakes gamehe's involved in and just how nasty things can get?